Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What am I doing, you ask?

Absolutely nothing. Needing to make progress on all the projects I have going but longing to start new ones instead. I don't know what my deal is. Last week I managed to crank out three friendship bracelets. Epic, I know. I have been working on my kaleidoscope quilt, but so slowly you can hardly notice.

tweaked. obviously.

It doesn't look much different but here's a shot from my couch. It's where I've been spending a lot of time recently. I could blame my discovery of The Office on Netflix, but mostly it's the fact that I'm a perfectionist and those points have to be spot on. And there are a lot of them. And it hurts my eyes to pin so painstakingly in this awful lighting. And ten hour days leave me zombie-like. And so on and so on.

WiP Wednesday #8 Recap
Last week's total: 5
Finished this week: 0
New this week: 0
This week's total: 5

If you want to see some actual progress, go check out the link up over at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Yay! It's looking great! You're almost there. Yup... I did lots of pinning on mine too. It's all worth it!

  2. I am not doing much either :( Just trying to relax before the college semester starts. I have a bit to do, like I *have* to hem some jeans! I'm pressing my hourglass blocks then I gotta square them up. Lots to do, but the summer is ending for some folks! :)

    The kaleidoscope quilt you got working on is so gorgeous!

  3. It seems that everyone is just taking a deep breath right now, getting in some relaxing as our summer comes to an end (really--I'm not kidding--read around on the WIP list). I'm no different, but I agree that sometimes a tweak here and there is as important as going great guns on a project.

    I love your kaleidoscope quilt, and will look for it in future posts.

    Elizabeth E.

  4. It is coming along beautifully! The Office is honest to God my favorite show...enjoy it, I watch re-runs everyday and my husband says, "you have seen that one 100 times." It doesn't matter I love it!


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