Monday, August 8, 2011

Charity and Swapping

This morning a coworker and I spent a couple hours making deliveries for Meals on Wheels. It was fun chatting with a few of the people, one of whom had a little dachshund like mine!
note: this dainty wrist belongs to a coworker. thanks for modeling, mel! :P

We managed to drop these off at the post office while en route. They're for my new friends from Amanda and Jenn's Friendship Bracelet Swap.

I left long ends so the girls can cut them down to the right size. This way they can use the ties to make permanent knots or bows if they want to take them on and off. Hope you like them, ladies!

My favorite moment from this morning's adventure had to be when my eyes noticed this fantastic mailbox stand made from an antique treadle sewing machine. Can you believe it?! Neither can I.

As far as actual sewing goes, there seems to have been a bit of quilter's block (pun intended!) going around blogland, myself included. I've only made a few minutes' worth of progress in the last week, but my kaleidoscope quilt top is closer to being finished. I just have a couple more rows to sew together. Hopefully I can find the perfect vintage sheet to back it, but thrifting can be dangerous so I've been avoiding it lately. That's all for now!


Oh ya! I'm linking up with Karen's Sew Darn Crafty Party over at Sew Many Ways and also Running with Glitter :D


  1. That is a really cool mailbox. I hope it's set back far enough so it won't fall victim to snow plows. Yikes!

  2. Cute bracelets and what a neat mailbox! You'll get back to quilting soon - can't wait to see your Kaleidoscope quilt again!

  3. Love the mailbox.
    Cute bracelets, lovely bright colours.
    I've had the same quilters block this week, plus the universe has conspired against me, fingers crossed I can sew something in the next few days.

  4. That IS a cool mailbox, but as usual, I covet the sewing machine. Once I bought just the stand of a treadle sewing machine, and put a rectangle of plywood on it for a table. It's in the garage now, but this photo makes me think I should rescue it and repurpose it. Thanks for posting this on my blog so I could see it!

    Elizabeth E.


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