Friday, February 22, 2013

No sleep till quiltcon!

So it might be a bit last minute and ever so slightly ridiculous, but Jon and I (and Lucy!) hopped in the car this morning and we're on our way to Quiltcon!

The idea to just GO without much of a plan hit me on Wednesday. I mentioned it, Jon was down, we were going! Then this epic snowstorm hit yesterday morning and threatened to ruin it. But Jon refused to let Mother Nature get in the way, so it's back on!!

Here are five things you may not know about me:

1. I've lived in five states, IA, NJ, TN, MO and IN (in that order) and currently reside in MO again. I've also visited all states except CA, HI, AK and OR.

2. I was a lifeguard and swim lesson instructor for years until finishing college and getting the job I have now. I was also a competitive swimmer from age 10 to 18, so I used to spend a LOT of time at the pool!

3. While waiting in line to jump double dutch in the second grade, the hard plastic jump rope handle flew out of my friend's hand and broke my front tooth off right up next to the gum line. I've had a crown that doesn't match the rest of my teeth ever since!

4. I have juvenile onset (type 1) diabetes. I was diagnosed at age ten and it's been the #1 thing I think about all day, every day for the last 17 years. I don't usually talk about it and probably won't again, but this seemed like a good time to mention it!

5. I absolutely love roller coasters. When I was little I always wanted to ride the big ones even before I was tall enough. Thrill seeker to the core!

So we're just now getting far enough south that we can see grass again, I can't wait to wear short sleeves tomorrow! Here's a picture of Jon and me in the car so you might recognize us at the convention. I would LOVE to meet my fellow quilty peeps, so give me a holler if you're in Austin this weekend! I'm on Instagram @kristastitched or you can drop me a line here in the comments so we can chat via email :D


  1. Now I have the Beastie Boys in my head. Have fun!

  2. Roller coasters rock...and your husband is a cutie!

  3. Teensy bit jelly of your spontaneous trip to QuiltCon! :) I can't do things like that anymore. Have so much fun, and can't wait to hear all about it! Where did you live in TN? My bro lives in Nashville. Love it there! And you NEED to visit AK and HI, they are my favorites. :)

  4. Oh, how much fun! I hope you guys have a great time!

  5. I have been watching your progress on IG - have fun!

  6. That's the sweetest photo - good for you guys. Have fun!

  7. Hey hope you have fun!
    My bro is type one diabetic, so I know all about that!!


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