Saturday, January 19, 2013

clowning around with a new friend

I'm dangerously close to finishing up the first scrappy trip along quilt I started three weeks ago. So of course I went ahead and started another one. What else would you expect?

I'm calling it the circus clown quilt, for obvious reasons. I finished all the blocks this morning and I might just get the top assembled tomorrow. It'll make a cute baby gift whenever I end up needing one. People are always cranking out babies.

Yup, that's my new featherweight. Cute, right?! I picked it up at my LQS yesterday. It cost a pretty penny but it was there, I wanted it and it begged me to take it home with me. So I did. There was a brief moment of buyer's remorse this morning as we struggled to get to know each other but we're best friends now, no looking back!

It's a 1951 model 221 centennial edition in really excellent shape. Or at least that's what I'm told. The insides were super clean and the gears look like it's hardly been used. (Jon said so... I wouldn't know the difference!) But most importantly, it's a freaking adorable piece of history and I can take it with me anywhere I go. Worth it!

Oh and Lucy is adorable too, right?
Yeah she is :D


  1. Lucy is adorable for sure! And I am loving the brights, into brights myself lately. Very cheery and fun!

  2. That's clever! Love the solids and that pattern you made with the colors. Yay for the new machine! Xxoo to Lucy.

  3. I love the effect of the solids-what a great quilt. And very jealous of the sewing machine

  4. This is my favourite trip around the world I've seen. I'm very tempted to start one !

  5. I love the layout of your quilt! Stunning

  6. Jealous of your featherweight. Great quilt colors. And Lucy...well, just darling!

  7. Obsessed with this quilt! I took my first quilting class last Thursday, and i have massive amounts of respect for your work! Now more than ever! Any recommendations on a rotary cutter?

  8. Yes she is of course! Love the circus quilt, great layout! Wish I could crank this baby out ;) XX

  9. It's all adorable! Lucy, the circus quilt, and the featherweight! I'm glad you got it and that y'all are bff now.

  10. I love these colors! I think this is one of my favorite trip-a-longs...especially because of the polka dotted fabric. I like the secondary (primary?) pattern that you made with it.

  11. Love the quilt -- of course --but congrats on the new machine! You can oil and lube up these babies yourself. I took a class at Road to California one year and learned all how to do it. There's even a book about them that gives you all sorts of tips. I love my Featherweight!

  12. Did you cut out you strips of colours then rearrange them. I love it! I have done trip around the world quilts, but this one surely is unique. Any tips on how you arranged the blocks


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