Friday, November 9, 2012

pouch, pincushion and scrap swap - received!

Yesterday I showed off what I made Kris for our pouch, pincushion and scrap swap, and then the box she sent me arrived at my doorstep! So today I'm sharing what she made for me, which is SO fantastically awesome that I was in legit shock and even a little bit terrified she might be disappointed with what I sent her... 

This zip bag is something I recognize, she was working on it way back after we first talked about swapping (at the end of September?! my word time flies...) She pretended it was just a "practice" run and I totally fell for it hook, line and sinker. I started on my pincushion for her, got bogged down with other things, then last weekend finished up the whole swap package... So needless to say, Kris was waiting on me!

She was way more thoughtful than me too, including a bunch of little extras like a cake mix recipe book, which will come WAY in handy because I so don't have baking tools or even any recipe books at all... or any motivation to bake things from scratch, so this looks totally fun. Jon is way excited! And look at the awesome AMH pincushion that is HUGE and has PETALS and is just so incredibly fantastic. I love it so much!

Also some candy, giant yellow ric rac, a spare zipper and a super cute card with a hand-written note. I can't even remember if I put a note in with mine, I sure hope I did! And all the scraps, my goodness! The pouch she made is about three times the size of the one I made, allowing for more space to stuff things, so I ended up with way more more scraps than I sent.

She even included some she though might be good for my inch by inch quilt, which is ever so sweet of her. Last night, as I hunkered down to work on my Hoop-la-la swap project, (I'm a procrastinator, didn't you notice?) Hank found the scrap bundle and thought it made a nice pillow. Little rascal! But I like that he shares my love of fabric :D

Back to the pouch. I don't really even know how to describe how much I love this. She nailed it. In her note, she said "When I think of 'Krista Stitched' I think of EPP. Try not to notice the 'errors,' ok?!" That made my heart go all warm and fuzzy. I'm having a hard time finding those errors, though, all I see is careful hand-work and thoughtful attention to detail. I appreciate it so much. The colors, the fabrics, the sentiment... I feel so loved! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Yesterday I threw out the idea of starting a little pouch, pincushion and scrap swap Flickr group, just to see if anyone would want to join in on such a thing. Leanne pointed out that perhaps waiting until after the holidays would be a good plan and I think that's a great idea. SO, I'll hit the pause button on that for now.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Wow, you seriously scored here, that pouch is lovely! If you are waiting till later, do keep me posted on the swap idea.

    1. Agreed, she very much spoiled me and I'm feeling SLIGHTLY guilty about it, haha!

  2. Woo hop, what a fabulous swap. The pouch and goodies are amazing

  3. This is one of the sweetest, prettiest pouches I have ever seen! The colours are perfect! Lucky, lucky you! Your kittie is cute too!

  4. ♥♥♥ the pouch!! So pretty....and loving your little kitty too!! That's exactly how I feel about fabric :o)

  5. Aw. That is such a sweet pouch, pincushion and goodies!!

  6. Fabulous thing to have on a doorstep. And I think that your descriptions are fresh and inventive, and oh-so-fun! I agree with Kris. I always think of EPP when I think of you. Maybe because you got me started on it? And on IG? What's next, O Trendsetter?

    Elizabeth E.

  7. Gorgeous gifts - especially the pouch with the EPP on it.


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