Thursday, August 9, 2012

on the road sewing + bee blocks

When I was young we took lots of cross country road trips. I spent hours in the back of our Chevy Lumina minivan (which we dubbed the "dust buster" given it's odd shape) creating elaborate, beaded macrame jewelry. Once I got old enough to drive I realized how much it sucks not being a passenger. It's impossible to get my craft on if I have to keep my eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel. Enter Jon, who loves to drive, who drives me anywhere and everywhere all the time. And only gives me the slightest bit of shit over my compulsive need to sew while riding shotgun.

Speaking of EPP on the road, I've been making some cute blocks out of antique/vintage fabric scraps. They're kind of along the lines of Clare's rose star blocks, only not really since they're scrappier, made from all kite shapes and I'm not adding the outer two rows. But those rose stars certainly were my original inspiration. I just love how you can dice up a hexagon and make so many different things from its pieces.

I have four of these hand-sewn blocks pieced and was thinking I'd float them on the natural quilter's muslin I used to cover this gigantor ironing/pressing board I made (with the help of my handyman). I got it at my LQS for $5/yd and it's heavier weight than normal muslin. I think it works really well with these old fabrics.

The pressing board is something I've wanted to make for forever and has been super useful while working on some far flung bee blocks for Holly. She asked for mod mosaic blocks using our scraps, with a color gradient and odd/unsquare shape. I have to finish the red-purple-blue one tonight so I can mail them off ASAP, as these were July's blocks and I'm a major tool for being so behind.

In my defense, my sewing room and supplies were in a horrific state of chaos (I'd never really finished "moving in") until recently when I finally got my butt in gear and organized the hoard. It's only slightly better now but I can at least move around in there and find what I need to make stuff. Ah, progress.

We'll be on the road again this weekend and I'll be taking full advantage of my passenger status, as usual :D

edit to add: yesterday I stumbled across Cindy's Really Random Thursday link-up and told her I'd wished this post were more random so it would fit the bill. She told me to link up anyway, so I did! Go check it out, there's some great randomness going on.


  1. I totally agree about the driver/passenger thing and I'm so happy that my husband hates being the passenger so even on crazy long drives, I get to read and sew in the passenger seat. I really like your epp - such a great design and I love those fabrics you used.

  2. Love your EPP blocks. Personally, I'm not sure I could handle them in a car cause I tend to get sick if I focus on something too much. Same goes for reading. Both are great ways to pass time on the train, though. Enjoy your weekend trip! :)

  3. Your EPP blocks are wonderful! I use kites for my Jazz Hands blocks too! And I started mine on a road trip back in January! Looking forward to seeing your variation in those pretty scrappy prints!!

  4. I love your blocks! I used to try everything to not have to drive on trips in college so I could knit on the road. Not, my hexies travel everywhere with me when I am not driving. :)

  5. Clare's tutorial is fab isn't it?? I love what you have done here with yours and the fabrics are lovely! great Bee block as well! x

  6. Looking good--keep those blocks coming. I like to sew while in the car, too, as I get carsick if I read. When driving home to California from Washington DC, I quilted a quilt. We had to stop in Albuquerqe to find more thread because I'd run out. Memories.

    Love that ironing slab of yours--more space is always a plus.

    Where are you off to now?

    Elizabeth E.

  7. Beautiful block. And awesome you have a "driver"! Thanks for linking!

  8. Krista I just adore the 'on the road' shots!! So fun! I get car sick when I'm a passenger but I do sew on the train! The epp looks amazing, I really adore those vintage fabrics and the muslin idea sounds fabulous :)


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