Friday, June 8, 2012

winner winner chicken dinner - gingham giveaway

Elizabeth and Cindy have already posted their winners, so this here is your last shot. dun dun dunnnn...

I have a hard time making decisions, but am choosing to go with Kris, of Duke Says Sew What. Who wrote:

"I want to play with you girls! I am up for the challenge and I will post instagram photos once daily of my progress. :-) I am thinking pillows for our front porch or a throw quilt for our "summer movies in the park" nights! Xxoo."

She had me at "instagram." Way to play off my weaknesses and whatnot. Plus she was just oozing with enthusiasm and was the first to comment. So there. Kris, go ahead and email me with your mailing address, so I can get the bundle shipped asap! But I'm holding you to that instagram business, you hear me? 

Thanks so much to all who entered the giveaway, we wish we had enough fabric for everyone! We've got a list of all the peeps participating in Project Gingham, a total of six so far. The more the merrier, so if you have a gingham project going already, or want to start one and play along with us, send me your blog name and address so I can add you to it.

I'm off to continue chain piecing. Happy Friday!


  1. Love that winner winner chicken dinner thing. I'm totally stealing it.

    I've been using the #projectgingham over on IG, so I hope you are too.

    I've put up a "page" on my block with everyone's name and blog and I'll transfer to the main page on July 4th. But for now--there it is.

    I guess I could write you an email, telling you all this. . .

    Happy piecing!


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