Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Love Affair with EPP

Since I have no Valentine, (ick! who needs one?) I'm professing my love for English paper piecing instead. It's more like that disgusting, obsessive, quit hanging out with your friends because you've fallen off the face of the planet sort of love, but I'm ok with that. Judge all you want. I'm HAPPY.
hexie flower hexies
I know what you're thinking... Maybe if I put down the needle and thread and ventured out of my living room for a change I might find myself a man. Meh.

The other day I stopped to get an oil change. While the guy behind the counter seemed to be flirting with me, I decided to walk across the parking lot to the LQS and peruse the fat quarters instead of chatting with him while I waited. Once I returned he got back to asking 20 questions, attempting to find out if I was on the market. After telling him I spent nearly all my free time quilting, he straight up inquired if it was because I had no man to tend to. Huh. We laughed because he was spot on and we both knew it.
and another pic to prove this post does in fact belong on a quilty blog

Unfortunately for this guy, he didn't meet my very basic requirements. Since my pool of possible valentines is so incredibly vast (ha) I can afford to be picky. I'll share a few things I need from a man in order for him to have a chance with this fine behind.

- Must be able to fix a sewing machine.
- Must enjoy tolerate holding bolts of fabric so my hands are free to look for more bolts of fabric.
- Must be tall enough to hold up a queen size quilt for photographing without it touching the ground (preferably his footwear would be visible, but let's not get too specific!)
- Must have a mother who owns a long arm and would let me use it anytime I want (bonus points if she has a giant stash for me to pilfer)
- Must know to gift me a bundle of fat quarters on Valentine's day (and any other holiday) rather than flowers or chocolate or diamonds. Ok maybe I'd take diamonds, but you get the idea.
- Must make the mad cash so I can quit my job and be a SAHQ (stay at home quilter) for the rest of my life.

Are my expectations too high? Methinks not.

Oh and thanks for all the feedback on my Star Flower block (in the last post), it's so nice to ask for opinions and get such good ones! I'll be sharing pics of the finished product once the sun shows itself long enough for me to take some.

Liking up with Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday :D


  1. I just love your flower garden! I'm growing one of my own, so I know what passion is needed.
    Since I started I wondered how to stop - now I knwo it just sew in half-hexies ...
    I really like the colour combinations btw.

  2. I don't think your expectations are too high! Just lovin' your hexagon flowers!

  3. I think your requirements are perfect, but, alas, I'm not sure where that man is. My man is almost perfect, and he has never bought me fat quarters for V-day. He does hold up quilts for photos though, LOL.
    I love EPP too and would do it all the time if my hands would cooperate. I have to take breaks due to arthritis and tendinitis. And, no, I am not 80, too sad to say.

  4. Oh, and I love your little flowers. They are beautiful.

  5. hehe - well I hope that you and your EPP have many happy fulfilling years together. :)

  6. They are so beautiful!

    Your little list of expectations is so funny! A pleasure to read and just picture the crazyness :D

  7. Okay, you are leaving me the proverbial EPP dust. That's okay, because I can just come over here and drool some while looking at yours.

    Laughed and loved your requirements for a man. I also had another one: no axle grease under the fingernails. A real turn-off for me. Everybody has theirs, and that's mine. Fun to read, this Valentiney Day!

    Elizabeth E.

  8. hahahaha oh sweetie that is too funny!! Be careful what you wish for, I too wrote a list (not so fabric centric) and met my husband who I married 5 months later!! just kidding, he's perfect and matched up to my list. So we may see you quilting on your MIL's longarm yet!!

  9. *sigh* That sounds like the perfect man. LOL Love your EPP, too! :D

  10. Love your hexies and your expectations in a valentine!

    Stopping by from Quilt Story's link-up.


  11. Too funny! I have a great hubs who doesn't fit any of your requirements but the height. So guess where I spent vday? At a guild meeting!

    And I love your hexies. I'm seriously tempted to start making some like yours... which would be my 5th unfinished hexie project!

  12. I found your blog through the small blog link-up. Although I’m a tad bit bigger at 344 followers and have been blogging since 2010, I still feel new at blogging because there’s so much to learn. I have learned however, that the quilting community is the most helpful, loving and caring group of people on the planet. In the last almost 2 yrs. I have actually made some very real friends and can’t imagine life without them in it. Blogging has been a real PLUS for me as I hope it will be for you. I’m going to become one of your followers and invite you to become one of my new followers. Also, please fill out the follow by email box and you won’t forget about me. May I suggest you put your followers on your sidebar PLUS the “follow by email” box? It will help you grow your blog.
    Gmama Jane
    Grandmamas Stories (quilting, family blog)

  13. Hey there! Just popping in to let you know I did a new post about the go anywhere bag ;D

  14. Those hexie flowers are fantastic. I love the colors and the way you alternate fabrics going around.

  15. I just went back and looked at your most recent hexies posts - LOVE them! I just taught myself how to make them and they are addicting. I bought the plastic templates - can you offer some insight as to how to baste them? I can go right through paper so prefer that method, mostly because I was impatient and just wanted to get started! Thanks :)


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