Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WIP Wednesday #6

Over the weekend I felt like I was getting a lot done, but mostly I was simply playing catch-up. I haven't finished anything, but at least I haven't started anything new! Here's my progress this week.

Summer Sampler Series QAL - I have 4 finsihed blocks; one of them is an oops that I will still use. I plan on doubling the size of my quilt by repeating and/or adding some blocks. Tonight I want to finish Monday's block and today's block in order to keep up, which I am determined to do!

Kaleidoscope QAL - I have around 8 finished blocks, the rest is all in various stages of piecing. I couldn't resist putting everything up on my makeshift design wall so I can at least look at it while I'm not actively working on it, lol.

i think i have enough pieces to make it 5x7. we shall see!
Warm Cool QAL -  I started adding borders and am totally stoked at how it's looking. No pics yet, but I really need to finish this one so I can link it to Jeni's blog. So far there are 8 finished quilts, head on over to the link-up and check them out!

Punctuation Baby Quilt - Finished quilt top! It looks crummy in this photo because I took it in a mad dash  this morning before work and didn't have time to iron it first. My boss and his wife had a little boy last week and I plan on gifting this one once it's finished. Not that I'm a suck up or anything ;P

I've basically put the Engelbreit quilt on hold until I finish up all these other projects I have going. Eventually I'll come back to it.

WiP Wednesday #6 Recap
Last week's total: 5
Finished this week: 0
New this week: 0
This week's total: 5

I'm linking up with Lee's WIP Wednesday, go have a look at everyone elses' projects and don't forget to comment!


  1. i am totally in LOVE LOVE LOVE with your kaleidoscope quilt. LOOOOOOOOOOVE it!

  2. What a beautiful kaleidoscope quilt! Is that Dream On that you used? Just love it!

  3. I love the punctuation quilt! Its so adorable.

    I'm jealous you have room to put up a design wall, makeshift or not.

  4. Love the kaleidoscope quilt, great contrast.
    The Punctuation quilt looks wonderful too, I'm sure they'll love it.

  5. Your kaleido-quilt is coming along really nicely! I love the high contrast colors you've chosen (and I also loved the post about how your cousins helped you set up for your chain-piecing). I'm intrigued by your Mary E. quilt with all its bright colors. I had her cards and pictures around for a long time when my kids were growing up, so I think your idea is brilliant.

    And PS, my husband is a scientist, too, but a toxicologist. Scientists rock!

    Elizabeth E.


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