Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WIP Wednesday #5

Is it Wednesday already?

The days are moving too fast but I'm ready for another weekend. The roommate and I are considering an impromptu road trip. It's one of those "let's just get in the car and drive" situations. Anywhere but here! At any rate, this is what I've accomplished recently.

New project:
Summer Sampler Series QAL
I called it a new project last week, but I actually started working on it yesterday, lol. So, still new! I wish I would have fussy cut the center square, but I'm a noob and these things don't occur to me until it's too late. Oops! I'm just gonna live with it because my fabric stash is rather limited.

EDIT: only after looking through a whole bunch of blocks in the flickr group did I notice my epic fail on piecing this block. OMG, sometimes I wonder about myself. How embarassing! I'll fix it tonight. Damn.

the sun made this dot print look blue. it's actually purple...

Speaking of my fabric stash, I bought all these fat quarters (minus the three at the bottom) at a quilt shop a few months ago and totally forgot I had them. I should have looked at the selvages so I could tell you what they are, but I forgot. Sensing a pattern? I also dug up the other three FQs just in case. The gray on gray and black on white dot prints I like, but the bottom purple dot probably won't make the cut unless I'm desperate.

Ongoing Projects:
Completed my first block last night and put another one together over my lunch break. Woot! I better slow down and let everyone else catch up. HA! Maybe now that I've finally started piecing I'll just whiz through it. 2 down, 28 to go! Check out the flickr group.


Warm Cool QAL: no progress. I need to just quilt the darn thing already but I'm still debating on whether or not to add borders to increase the size. Hmmmm.
Engelbreit Quilt: no progress (maybe I should put this one in the "on hold" category)
Punctuation Baby Quilt: Finished up the top by sewing the last border piece on but forgot to take pics. Figures.

And I cooked up the first picks from my garden last night for dinner. Yes, that's butter. Get off my back! At least I'm eating vegetables :P

I'm joining the linky party over at Freshly Pieced, go check out what everyone else is working on!


  1. What you made for the Summer Sampler Series is a cool looking block - embrace it! Who says that you always need to exactly follow instructions - and this is coming from a teacher!

  2. To my sis: Your work is awesome and I'm soooo jealous that you have the patience to do this kind of stuff. Someday I might muster the courage. Ha.

  3. oh and didn't you know butter is better now? GRIN.

  4. Well I don't know what you did wrong on your summer sampler, but I think it looks great! I love the fabric you are using for your Kaleidoscope...what is the floral print? Is it vintage sheets? Beautiful!

  5. I've come over from WIP Wed. Very funny post, I love your sense of humour.
    I can't see what's wrong with your block either, unless I go look at everyone else's and Im not going to, because I think yours is great.
    I'd rather have butter any day over margarine, eeewwww.

  6. I like your Kaledascope fabrics. Nice combo you have going there!
    About the warm/cool quilt-along. I am father behind than you {not that I really was part of the first group} I just ordered fabrics, LOL!


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